Reader (and Assisting Minister)
you get to choose!

The Reader reads the 1st and 2nd reading for the day (and the Psalm if it's not sung by a cantor).  This person may also choose to help with other parts of the service (intercessory prayers and have a few other prayers offered on behalf of the congregation) but this is optional - let the pastor know what you want to do.  They also help to serve communion.  If you would like to sign up please call the office at (406) 752-6140.


The Cantor is a singer who leads the congregation in the Psalm of the Day.  They rehearse with the music director in the days leading up to the Sunday they are assigned and/or on the Sunday morning prior to worship.  If you would like to sign up please call the office at (406) 752-6140.

Communion Setup

Communion Setup Assistants prepare the communion elements to be ready for distribution during worship.  Specific instructions will be given by a member of the Altar Guild.  If you would like to participate please call the office at (406) 752-6140.

Communion Assistants

Communion Assistants help distribute the sacrament to the congregation during worship.  If you would like to participate please call the office at (406) 752-6140.

Welcome Hosts/Greeters

Welcome Hosts (formerly greeters) welcome members and guests to our church.  You will arrive 30 minutes before the service begins,  and warmly greet each worshiper as they arrive.  Welcome Hosts also provide helpful information (like the location of bathrooms or how to get to the sanctuary).  If you are interested in signing up to be a Greeter please call the office at (406) 752-6140.


Ushers arrive 20 minutes before the service begins and hand out bulletins to each person who attends.  You will also pass the plate for the offering and count the attendance in worship.  If you would like to volunteer to usher please use call the office at (406) 752-6140.